Pre Skates . Tryouts . Officiating
Please Register HERE
Please Register HERE
Please Register HERE
Please Register HERE
Registration Link Coming Soon
Sep. 21 & 22
More information to come
Sep. 21 & 22
More information to come
Sep. 13, 14 & 15
More information to come
Sep. 13, 14 & 15
More information to come
Whatever your reason is... our game needs you!
Here’s what you need to do to start your officiating career. Hockey Canada and Hockey Saskatchewan recommend that officials be 12 years old by December 31 of the current season. However, if officials are 10 by that date, they can inquire with their local minor hockey association to see if there are games available for them to officiate this season and if there is support and a need for younger officials.
Officials will need to complete the online registration and pay the fees. Alternatively, they can register through the Indigenous Coach and Official Program, which covers the registration fees for Indigenous officials.
Once registration is complete, officials must complete the Hockey Canada online modules and attend either a virtual or classroom session, as well as an on-ice session.
Level 1 in class 10:30-1:30pm
Level 1 on ice 2:00-3:30pm
Level 2 on ice 3:30-5:00pm
Visit the Saskatchewan Hockey Association website for full information HERE